Be part of the revolution in non-invasive post-transplant monitoring with Immucor's cutting-edge gene expression assay. Utilize this advanced technology to detect and exclude subclinical or clinical rejection scenarios.
kSORT is a non-invasive gene expression assay that enables enhanced post-transplant surveillance and monitors immune quiescence for transplant patients.
kSORT holds the promise of transforming post-transplant care for kidney recipients. By accurately diagnosing acute cellular rejection and effectively guiding treatment using simple blood samples, it has the potential to revolutionize the field.
Less invasive methods are likely to reduce costs
Procedure-related adverse events including graft bleeding (up to 6% across indications) or arteriovenous fistula (up to 14%)
~20% clinical discordance with inter-observer variance
The kSORT assay evaluates the change in expression of specific genes which are associated with pathways involved with immune activation or stress responses. kSORT gene expression panel has been shown to be valuable in establishing which patients are likely to maintain graft tolerance. The kSORT assay gives healthcare providers and patients another tool to confirm treatment successes or treatment needs in a complex transplant environment.
kSORT has been evaluated in multiple studies and demonstrates Negative Predictive Value:
AART 100 Study PRISM Study SAILOR Study ESCAPE Study Van Loon Study
kSORT can be employed for continuous monitoring of patient immune responses during their kidney transplant journey, providing an additional perspective to enhance graft surveillance and prevent potential damage or loss. A proposed protocol-driven collection time scenario is presented to illustrate kSORT's application in monitoring kidney transplant patients over time.
Test 1x / month
Test every 2 months
Test every 6 months
Salah Alden Road | Al Zahra District
Riyadh | Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
60001 Riyadh 11545